Yerba Matè

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Size: 2oz (15-20 cups)

Tea Type
Matè Tea

General Description
Yerba Maté is a caffeinated infusion that comes from a type of holly plant native to South America. It is consumed regularly in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina for its believed health benefits and ability to create a focused energy. Traditionally, this beverage is enjoyed over multiple steeps with a maté gourd and bombilla (a special straw). The infusion is sweet, smoky, and slightly vegetal.

earthy, sweet, crisp

Brazilian matè

Steeping Instructions
HOT: 1 teaspoon per 8 oz serving. Steep for 5-10 minutes in 175 F water.
ICED: 1 teaspoon per 4 oz serving. Steep for 5-10 minutes in 175 F water. Add Ice after steep time.

      SKU YBM02